Friday, July 24, 2009

The Fat Lady Sings for her Supper

Be forewarned....this could curdle your cereal....

"In a recent poll of 50,000 people by, 48 per cent of men said they would dump their partner if she became fat.
"We asked men whether they would consider breaking up with their girlfriend, specifically if she gained weight," James Bassil, the editor-in-chief of told CTV's Canada AM on Friday. "And we found that the response was pretty fairly split down the middle. A slim majority said 'no.'"
On the other hand, 70 percent of women surveyed said they would stay with their boyfriend if he became "husky."
"A lot of people would say that guys are more visual, I guess, when it comes to relationships," Bassil said, adding that male respondents said they would see their girlfriend gaining weight as a sign that she didn't care about the relationship as much anymore.
If there is a silver lining for girlfriends, it may be in the pocketbook. Eighty-five per cent of men said they believe they should pay for the majority of dates, at least until a relationship has been established. "

Forgive me for failing to see that silver lining as anything more than tin foil.

All this tells me is that there are a bunch of fat, self absorbed men wandering around out there who are paying the bill until the "little woman" is finally feeling comfortable in the relationship, then he decides "enough's enough of that!" Why bother footing the bill, after all, she's just gonna get FAT!

Women, who are already more critical of their bodies than men, have always had this well kept secret in the back of their minds for centuries. Why do you think the Weight Loss Industry is alive and well after all of these years?

It's no different than a larger woman covering herself up, fearing the exposure of her body at a beach, pool, or other public place, while an overweight man will parade his girth proudly from one end of the water to the other, and in some cases, packing enough ego to fill a second Speedo.

I've been at both ends of the spectrum. Being overweight isn't just about physical health and appearance - it's about your emotional well being. Hopefully we can smack some of these Neanderthals upside the head before another generation of women is damaged.

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